Tiger Wolf and Bear Paws Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Tiger scouts, Wolf scouts, Bear scouts.
black water-based paint
small paintbrush
small paintbrush
Leader: When someone joins our Cub Scouts, they earn the Bobcat badge and start on an upward trail. This trail will lead them through the ranks of Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos and on to the highest award of Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light. Tonight we are honoring scouts who have made significant advancement along this journey. I would like the following scouts and their parents to come forward. (Read names of Tiger scouts)
I understand that you seek the rank of Tiger, is that true? (response) Please recite the Cub Scout Motto. (response)
Tigers: Do Your Best.
Leader: I can see by your knowledge of the Cub Scout Motto and the adventures that you have completed that you have worked hard along with your parents. You are now ready to become a Tiger scout.
(With paint draw on the back of the Cubs hands the 1st toe) The first toe of the Tiger paw is for your work in making your family special.
(Draw 2nd toe) The second toe of the Tiger paw shows you have learned about where you live.
(Draw 3rd toe) The third Tiger toe says you are keeping yourself healthy and safe.
(Draw 4th toe) The fourth toe stands for your effort in telling stories and communicating.
(Draw the footpad) The pad of the Tiger paw represents your time spent outdoors.
You have finished the requirements to be a Tiger Scout and can continue to move up the scouting trail.
(Present rank badges)
Leader: I would now like the following scouts and their parents to come forward. (Read Wolf names)
Leader: I understand that you seek the rank of Wolf, is that so? (response) Please recite the Scout Promise.
Wolf Scouts: On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight
Leader: I can tell by your knowledge of the Scout Promise and your completed adventures that you have worked hard and put in much effort. These achievements are very important as they have helped you gain a deeper appreciation of many things. You are now ready to become a Wolf Scout.
(Draw 1st toe) The first toe of the Wolf paw is for your growth through feats of skill and having fun with your family.
(Draw 2nd toe.) The second toe of the Wolf paw represents that you have learned about your home, community, country and your religious beliefs.
(Draw 3rd toe.) The third toe stands for the skills you have gained in handling tools, trying new things, and making collections.
(Draw 4th toe) The fourth toe represents your new appreciation for conservation and safety.
(Draw the footpad) The pad of the Wolf paw represents your growth as a Scout and the increased responsibility you are now capable of handling. Wolfs, remember the inscription of this paw. It shows you are ready to continue along the upward trail of Scouting.
(Present badges)
Leader: Would the following scouts and their parents please come forward. (Read names)
You are climbing on the trail to the Arrow of Light. Do you desire the rank of Bear? (response.) Then please recite the Scout Law.
Bear Scouts: A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful
Friendly, Courteous, Kind
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty
Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Leader: I see that you have worked hard with your parents and Den Leaders to achieve your rank. You are ready to become Bear scouts.
(Draw 1st toe) The first toe of the Bear paw symbolizes your increased understanding of God.
(Draw 2nd toe) The second toe of the Bear paw symbolizes your new knowledge of your country, its folklore and heritage.
(Draw 3rd toe) The third toe shows your increased appreciation of your family.
(Draw 4th toe) The fourth toe stands for your increased understanding of your own self worth.
(Draw footpad) The pad of the Bear paw represents your growth as a Cub Scout, and your ability to take on new challenges and responsibilities. The climb up the Scouting trail is getting shorter, but steeper. Not everyone will finish. Follow the Promise and the Law so that no harm will come to you along the trail.
(Present badges)
I understand that you seek the rank of Tiger, is that true? (response) Please recite the Cub Scout Motto. (response)
Tigers: Do Your Best.
Leader: I can see by your knowledge of the Cub Scout Motto and the adventures that you have completed that you have worked hard along with your parents. You are now ready to become a Tiger scout.
(With paint draw on the back of the Cubs hands the 1st toe) The first toe of the Tiger paw is for your work in making your family special.
(Draw 2nd toe) The second toe of the Tiger paw shows you have learned about where you live.
(Draw 3rd toe) The third Tiger toe says you are keeping yourself healthy and safe.
(Draw 4th toe) The fourth toe stands for your effort in telling stories and communicating.
(Draw the footpad) The pad of the Tiger paw represents your time spent outdoors.
You have finished the requirements to be a Tiger Scout and can continue to move up the scouting trail.
(Present rank badges)
Leader: I would now like the following scouts and their parents to come forward. (Read Wolf names)
Leader: I understand that you seek the rank of Wolf, is that so? (response) Please recite the Scout Promise.
Wolf Scouts: On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight
Leader: I can tell by your knowledge of the Scout Promise and your completed adventures that you have worked hard and put in much effort. These achievements are very important as they have helped you gain a deeper appreciation of many things. You are now ready to become a Wolf Scout.
(Draw 1st toe) The first toe of the Wolf paw is for your growth through feats of skill and having fun with your family.
(Draw 2nd toe.) The second toe of the Wolf paw represents that you have learned about your home, community, country and your religious beliefs.
(Draw 3rd toe.) The third toe stands for the skills you have gained in handling tools, trying new things, and making collections.
(Draw 4th toe) The fourth toe represents your new appreciation for conservation and safety.
(Draw the footpad) The pad of the Wolf paw represents your growth as a Scout and the increased responsibility you are now capable of handling. Wolfs, remember the inscription of this paw. It shows you are ready to continue along the upward trail of Scouting.
(Present badges)
Leader: Would the following scouts and their parents please come forward. (Read names)
You are climbing on the trail to the Arrow of Light. Do you desire the rank of Bear? (response.) Then please recite the Scout Law.
Bear Scouts: A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful
Friendly, Courteous, Kind
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty
Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Leader: I see that you have worked hard with your parents and Den Leaders to achieve your rank. You are ready to become Bear scouts.
(Draw 1st toe) The first toe of the Bear paw symbolizes your increased understanding of God.
(Draw 2nd toe) The second toe of the Bear paw symbolizes your new knowledge of your country, its folklore and heritage.
(Draw 3rd toe) The third toe shows your increased appreciation of your family.
(Draw 4th toe) The fourth toe stands for your increased understanding of your own self worth.
(Draw footpad) The pad of the Bear paw represents your growth as a Cub Scout, and your ability to take on new challenges and responsibilities. The climb up the Scouting trail is getting shorter, but steeper. Not everyone will finish. Follow the Promise and the Law so that no harm will come to you along the trail.
(Present badges)
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