Four Directions Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Cub Scouts.
4 AoL scouts
5 large colored disks of paper or cardboard with scripts taped to the back for each of the 4 scouts - Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Green
5 large colored disks of paper or cardboard with scripts taped to the back for each of the 4 scouts - Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Green
Place each scout at a different corner of the meeting place, matching east, west, north, and south.
This is an advancement ceremony for Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos.
Cubmaster: O Great Spirit, bring forth the four winds.
East: (with Yellow disk) I am East. From me comes the sun each day, with its light which all living things need. Just as I am the first direction, cub scouting begins with the Lion.
South: (Orange disk) I am South. From me come heat and rains, so all living things might have warmth and water to drink. Just as I am the second direction, cub scouting's second step is the Tiger.
West: (Red disk) I am West. To me the sun comes at the end of each day, giving the world darkness so all living things might rest. Just as I am the third direction, cub scouting's third step is Wolf.
North: (Blue disk) I am North. From me come cold and snow, so all living things might experience coolness and the beauty of winter. Just as I am the fourth direction, so Bear is the next step of cub scouting.
Cubmaster: (with Green disk) As the sun, rain, and air come from all directions and combine with the earth to give life, the previous steps on the Cub Scout trail bring us to Webelos. (holds up Green disk)
We have many scouts ready to receive recognition for their ranks today. As I call your name, go and stand by the color of your rank. (Calls out Lions, then Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos that have earned rank. Wait for all scouts to find their place.)
Scouts of East, South, West, and North - will you lead us all in the Scout Oath?
(4 scouts raise the Cub Scout Sign and wait for everyone to join them)
East: "On my honor, I will do my best"
South: "To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law"
North: "To help other people at all times"
West: "To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight"
The four winds are dismissed by the Cubmaster. Rank patches and pins are handed to scouts.
4 adults could be stationed at each direction to hand out recognition to each scout as they arrive when their name is called, to speed the ceremony.
East: (with Yellow disk) I am East. From me comes the sun each day, with its light which all living things need. Just as I am the first direction, cub scouting begins with the Lion.
South: (Orange disk) I am South. From me come heat and rains, so all living things might have warmth and water to drink. Just as I am the second direction, cub scouting's second step is the Tiger.
West: (Red disk) I am West. To me the sun comes at the end of each day, giving the world darkness so all living things might rest. Just as I am the third direction, cub scouting's third step is Wolf.
North: (Blue disk) I am North. From me come cold and snow, so all living things might experience coolness and the beauty of winter. Just as I am the fourth direction, so Bear is the next step of cub scouting.
Cubmaster: (with Green disk) As the sun, rain, and air come from all directions and combine with the earth to give life, the previous steps on the Cub Scout trail bring us to Webelos. (holds up Green disk)
We have many scouts ready to receive recognition for their ranks today. As I call your name, go and stand by the color of your rank. (Calls out Lions, then Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos that have earned rank. Wait for all scouts to find their place.)
Scouts of East, South, West, and North - will you lead us all in the Scout Oath?
(4 scouts raise the Cub Scout Sign and wait for everyone to join them)
East: "On my honor, I will do my best"
South: "To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law"
North: "To help other people at all times"
West: "To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight"
The four winds are dismissed by the Cubmaster. Rank patches and pins are handed to scouts.
4 adults could be stationed at each direction to hand out recognition to each scout as they arrive when their name is called, to speed the ceremony.
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