Shooting Sports Award
RETIRED 2024 as part of complete Cub Scout program redesign. Many awards were redone as elective adventures.

Introduced in 2016, this award has multiple levels, options, and combinations which may make the offering, tracking, and earning of the award a bit confusing for some. It isn't complicated, but ask for clarification before making assumptions.
All Cub Scouts, from Lion to Webelos, can earn this award. The award is comprised of a different patch for each rank, so the patch can be earned five times.
There are three shooting disciplines: BB Guns, Archery, and Slingshots.
Each discipline has two levels of proficiency.
To earn an award patch, a scout completes the Level 1 requirements for any one of the three shooting disciplines.
To earn a pin device for a shooting discipline, a scout completes Level 1 and Level 2 requirements for that discipline.
Note for Lions: Lions and their adult partners may only participate in archery and slingshot activities, not BB Gun
BB Gun Requirements
- (only Tiger and above, not Lions)
- Level 1
- Explain what you should do if you find a gun. Recite the four safety reminders.
- On an approved range in your city or state, explain how to use the safety mechanism, and demonstrate how to properly load, fire, and secure the BB gun.
- On an approved range, demonstrate to qualified leadership good shooting techniques, including eye dominance, shooting shoulder, breathing, sight alignment, trigger squeeze, and follow-through.
- On an approved range, show how to put away and properly store BB gun shooting equipment after use.
- Level 2
- Tiger
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Demonstrate one of the positions associated with shooting BB guns.
- On an approved range, fire five BBs at the "TIGER" target. Score your target; then repeat and do your best to improve your score. (Fire a total of 10 BBs.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Wolf/Bear
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Demonstrate one of the positions associated with shooting BB guns.
- On an approved range, fire five BBs at the "CUB SCOUT" target. Score your target; then repeat twice and do your best to improve your score. (Fire a total of 15 BBs.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell five facts about the history of BB guns.
- Webelos/Arrow of Light
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Demonstrate the prone, bench, and sitting positions associated with shooting BB guns.
- On an approved range, fire five BBs at the "WEBELOS/AOL" target. Score your target; then repeat three times and do your best to improve your score. (Fire a total of 20 BBs.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell five facts about the history of BB guns.
- Tiger
Archery Requirements
- Level 1
- Demonstrate how to follow archery range safety rules and whistle commands.
- Identify and name a recurve bow and/or compound bow.
- Explain and demonstrate how to apply and use arm guards, finger tabs, and quivers.
- On an approved range, demonstrate how to safely and effectively shoot a bow and arrow, including how to establish a correct stance, nock the arrow, hook and grip the bow, raise the bow, draw, anchor, hold, aim, and release/follow through.
- On an approved range, demonstrate how to safely retrieve arrows after the range is clear and the command to retrieve arrows has been provided.
- Level 2
- Lion
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Shoot at least two arrows at a target on an approved range; repeat and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot at least four arrows.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tiger
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Identify three parts of the arrow and three major parts of the bow you will be shooting.
- Shoot three arrows at a target on an approved range; then repeat and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot a total of six arrows.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Wolf
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Identify three parts of the arrow and four major parts of the bow you will be shooting.
- Shoot five arrows at a target on an approved range; then repeat and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot a total of 10 arrows.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell five facts about archery in history or literature.
- Bear
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Identify four parts of the arrow and five major parts of the bow you will be shooting.
- Shoot five arrows at a target on an approved range; then repeat twice and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot a total of 15 arrows.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell five facts about archery in history or literature.
- Webelos/Arrow of Light
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Identify five parts of the arrow and six major parts of the bow you will be shooting.
- Shoot five arrows at a target on an approved range; then repeat three times and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot a total of 20 arrows.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell five facts about archery in history or literature.
Slingshot Requirements
- Level 1
- On an approved range, demonstrate to qualified leadership good shooting techniques, including eye dominance, breathing, sight alignment, and follow-through.
- On an approved range, explain the parts of a slingshot and demonstrate how to properly use them.
- Explain the different types of ammunition that may be used with a slingshot and those that may not be used.
- Explain the different types of targets that may be used with a slingshot and those that may not be used.
- Level 2
- Lion
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Shoot two shots at a target on an approved range; then repeat and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot a total of four shots.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tiger
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Shoot three shots at a target on an approved range; then repeat and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot a total of six shots.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- On an approved range, try shooting with your non-dominant hand.
- Wolf
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Shoot five shots at a target on an approved range; then repeat and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot a total of 10 shots.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- On an approved range, try shooting with your non-dominant hand.
- Bear
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Shoot five shots at a target on an approved range; then repeat twice and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot a total of 15 shots.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- On an approved range, try shooting with your non-dominant hand.
- Webelos/Arrow of Light
- Complete Level 1 requirements.
- Shoot five shots at a target on an approved range; then repeat three times and do your best to improve your score. (Shoot a total of 20 shots.)
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- On an approved range, try shooting with your non-dominant hand.
- Lion
- All requirements must be met within the program year.
- Identical requirements completed in a previous year can not be carried forward to another year.
- Requirements can only be completed at district or council events, not on Pack outings.
- A completed tracking card is required for each scout in order to purchase awards.
Some examples:
- A Tiger earns Level 1 of BB Guns and receives the Tiger award patch. The next year, as a Wolf, the scout completes Level 1 requirements for Archery and receives the Wolf award patch. If the scout wants the BB Gun device pin, the scout must complete the Level 1 requirements for BB Gun again before completing the Level 2 requirements for BB Gun.
- A Bear completes Level 1 requirements for Slingshots and receives a Bear patch. When she completes the Level 1 requirements for Archery or BB Guns, she does not receive another patch.
- A Tiger attempts to complete Level 2 for BB Guns and accomplishes requirements 1 and 2 but then the program year ends. As a Wolf, the scout must accomplish the four Level 1 requirements and then the four Level 2 requirements, including 1 and 2 which are identical to the Tiger requirements.
This is considered a temporary emblem and one should be displayed at a time centered on the right pocket. It can be sewn on or displayed in a plastic patch holder hung from the right pocket button.
There are three larger stars around the target on the patch which are good spots for attaching the device pins as they are earned.
See detailed shooting sports resources at this page
See FAQs page for more info.
- Lion
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