Troop Fitness Challenge Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
Tape measure.
600meter distance.
Tape measure.
600meter distance.
Mark out the 600meter run distance.
Layout a long jump start line.
Mark off a 50meter run distance.
Layout a long jump start line.
Mark off a 50meter run distance.
Doing this activity twice a year and keeping track of the results can show the overall troop fitness level.
Make sure scouts are aware of the upcoming activity and dress appropriately.
Prep the leaders to make sure only positive encouragement happens.
Make sure scouts are aware of the upcoming activity and dress appropriately.
Prep the leaders to make sure only positive encouragement happens.
Every scout performs his best at a set of physical activities. The average for the group is determined.
Event Scoring:
Record the score for each scout, add them up, and find the average for each event.
Event Scoring:
- Sit-ups in 1 minute:
- <30 - 1 point
- <40 - 2 points
- <50 - 3 points
- >50 - 4 points
- 50 meter Dash
- >8.5 sec - 1 point
- <8.5 sec - 2 points
- <7.8 sec - 3 points
- <7.3 sec - 4 points
- Pull-ups
- <3 - 1 point
- >3 - 2 points
- >5 - 3 points
- >7 - 4 points
- Long Jump
- <5ft - 1 point
- >5ft - 2 points
- >6ft - 3 points
- >7ft - 4 points
- 600 meter Run
- >2:30 - 1 point
- <2:30 - 2 points
- <2:15 - 3 points
- <2:00 - 4 points
Record the score for each scout, add them up, and find the average for each event.
Click one to vote:

Sep 19, 2020 - ahmed abbassi
first , thank about what you do for scout it is very exciting .I am as a
teacher and a master scout I say we need these things in our troops
because the leaders are some out of subject as a moslem in our religion we
are pushed to do this with our kids . thank and I hope receiving new
things .GOOD LUCK.
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