Back from Camp

Weather makes a big difference in the 'fun factor'. While we had record heat and humidity as well as severe storms the first week, this time it was beautiful nearly every day. While weather plays a part, the group size has an even larger impact. As you can see in the photo, our first week group was 4x as large as the second week.
This week was the first time at camp for most of the scouts. They had missed previous years because of baseball or other conflicts. This group of eleven worked well together because each scout was needed and there was work for everyone. They couldn't just sit and not be noticed. They all completed their merit badge projects and kept a clean campsite.
Three scouts got to fill the role of SPL at some point during the week as some program elements took scouts away from camp. The SPL was gone an afternoon to shoot black powder rifles so the ASPL stepped up. Then, the SPL and ASPL went on an offsite overnight adventure so a Tenderfoot ran camp until breakfast the next day.
The only time that our small size was a hinderance was trying to play water polo, but a couple staff members and two adults helped fill the teams. Other than that, having fewer scouts meant more shooting, more climbing, and more sailing for each scout.
Even though we were the smallest troop at camp, the SPL volunteered his guys to clean the dining hall 4 times while most other troops did it only 1 time. He saw the need and provided the service - that was great to see.
Scout On
Posted: 14:38 08-07-2011 650
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