LNT Camporees

One idea that came up was to have Leave No Trace themed camporees. Rather than trying to convince districts to do this and come up with their own camporee program, it would be easier to get buy-in if a prepared program could be provided, thus cutting down their planning efforts.
So, this morning I went hunting for info. As it turns out, there have been a few such camporees held over the past decade. Here are a few webpages that have such LNT Camporee info, some vague and some with good ideas:
Have you been to an LNT Camporee? How was it? If you can send me a document of the activities, contests, or program, that would be great!
Scout On
Posted: 8:25 10-14-2011 684
Jan 08, 2019 - John Roemer
I am working on a LNT/OE themed camporee for three districts this
spring. I am very interested in what you have done. Can you please
send me a copy of the leaders guide, descriptions of the station,
and description of the camporee. I am particularly interested in
activity stations for new and experienced scouts.
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