Scoutmaster Conference Help
I've found that some scouts (ok, just about all scouts) don't prepare for a scoutmaster conference without prompting. When I ask what they've learned in the past 6 months, or what good turns they've done, or how they've demonstrated Scout Spirit, more often than not I get a blank stare.
To make scoutmaster conferences more interesting and valuable, I've put together this Scoutmaster Conference Preparation Sheet. A scout can print this out and complete it before his conference to help him have answers in his head for those questions that the scoutmaster will ask.
If the scoutmaster has scouts turn these in to him, he can keep a history of the scout's thoughts and see how his ideals evolve.
Scout On
To make scoutmaster conferences more interesting and valuable, I've put together this Scoutmaster Conference Preparation Sheet. A scout can print this out and complete it before his conference to help him have answers in his head for those questions that the scoutmaster will ask.
If the scoutmaster has scouts turn these in to him, he can keep a history of the scout's thoughts and see how his ideals evolve.
Scout On
Posted: 9:25 12-14-2006 103
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